Homemade Picadillo
Ingredients :
1lb de carne molida (ground beef)
1 cuchara sopera de sal ( 1tbs of salt)
1 cuchara sopera de pimienta (1tbs pepper)
1 cuchara sopera de ajo molido (1tbs garlic Pd)
1 cuchara sopera de comino molido (1tbs cumin pd)
2 papas en cuadritos (2 potatoes in chopped in cubes)
2 jalapeños picados (chopped)
1 tomate bola picado (1 beef tomato chopped)
1 cebolla cortada (1 onion in slices)
1. In a stew pot add ground beef with a cup of water add salt, pepper, garlic pd, cumin pd, cover.
2. While meat is cooking chopped, dice or slice your Jalapaños, potatoes, onion and tomato.
3. Uncover meat stir make sure it has enough juice if needs more water add a bit more if meat is cooked add potatoes and jalapeños cover.
4. Check on meat and if jalapeños and potatoes are dog add the rest onion and tomato stir cover.
5. Check see if ingredients are cooked taste if more salt is needed add to taste.
Enjoy !!